Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Oracle Form Questions

Review Questions
Fill in the Blanks
1. The _________________ item can be used only to show information that must be fetched or assigned programmatically.
2. Forms Builder provides the user with the __________________________ to write appropriate code blocks.
3. The __________________________ at the bottom of the screen displays Oracle messages to the user.
4. Oracle forms builder allows three types of compilation.  These are ____________________________________, ____________________________________ and ____________________________________.
5. Data blocks can be created from _______________________________ or __________________.
6. The two types of layouts allowed in forms are _______________________ and ____________________.
7. ____________________ trigger fires when the row focus changes from one record to the other.
8. Context sensitive help can be displayed on the status bar by using ________________ and ___________________________.
9. The hint displayed under the item when the mouse cursor moves from one item to the other is called ________________________ help.
10. If the not null constraint is defined, the ________________________ property is set to true.
11. ______________________ property is used to set the default value for a text item.
12. __________________________ is used to stop the default operation of the form cursor moving to the next item in case if the item’s validation has failed.
13. Window properties can be set at runtime by using _____________________ function.
14. The runforms window in which a user defined forms window is displayed can be referenced by using __________________________ constant.
15. The window can be opened in maximized mode by setting______________________ property of the window.
16. The values returned by system.form_status system variable are ___________________________ and __________________________.
17. The default value of the menu module property is set to _________________.
18. Oracle forms allow identification of error type, error number or error message by using  __________________________________, ________________________, ___________________________
19. MDI stands for ___________________________________________________.

Review Questions
True or False
The master detail relationship can be set only if foreign key / primary key is defined at the table level
If ON DELETE CASCADE is specified at the time of defining a foreign key, the delete record behavior property must not be set to cascading.
The updateable property cannot be set for the objects if the ‘Canvas’ property is set to null.
Database item property must be set to ‘no’ if the item is not connected to a base table column.
prompt adjustment edge property is used to determine the position of the label relative to the associated item.
Fill in the blanks
1. A master detail relation defined in the form creates _______________ object.
2. A pre-delete trigger is created if the master deletes property is set to _____________.
3. Oracle forms determines the SQL statement to be generated when a commit is fired based on the 4. _____________ variable.
4. On-check-delete-master is created if the master deletes property is set to _______________.
5. The triggers that will fires when al the records are newly inserted and a commit is fired are _______________________, ____________________, _______________________.
6. The form behavior when deleting a master record can be determined by _________- property.  This property can take three values.  These are :  ___________________, ______________________________, ___________________
7. The properties that determine data coordination in view mode between the master and the detail block are : __________________, _________________________, _______________.
8. In the object navigator, the relation object appears in the relations node under the block defined as a _______________________ block.
9. The properties of the relation object master block and join condition are taken from the foreign key constraint at the table level if the _________________________ check box is on.
10. Whenever a new record is added to the detail block, the value of the join column in the detail block is set to the value of the join column in the master block by using ___________________ property.
11. ________________ property is used to determine the type of item.
12. SYSTEM.FORM_STATUS can take the following values :_____________________, _________________________, _______________________________.
13. SYSTEM.RECORD_STATUS can take the following values : _______________________, _____________________________, __________________________.

Hands-on-exercise 1:  master-detail block
In this practice session, you will create two new form modules.  You will create a single block form that displays a single record.  You will also create a form that displays master-detail information.
Create a new form module called customers.  Create a new data block in this form using the form builder wizards and base it on the customer table.  Using the layout editor, reposition the items to your choice.
Create a master detail form module called orders.  Create a master block based on the orders table and a detail block based on the item table.  Create a third data block that is not related to any other block in the form module.  Base this block on the inventory table.  Use the form builder wizards to create all three data blocks.
Invoke the layout wizard in re-entrant mode, and change the layout of the item and inventory data blocks.
Save and run the new form module.
Hands-on-session 2: control blocks
In this practice session, you will create control blocks and modify several data blocks properties as well as frame properties.
Create a control block in the customer’s form.
Using the property palette, change properties in the customer data block to change its runtime appearance and behavior.  Change the related frame     properties to change the runtime appearance and to keep any layout changes you make manually in the layout editor.  Save and run the form after the changes are applied.
Create a control block in the orders form.
Create a visual attribute in the orders form and use it to highlight the current record in the item and inventory data blocks at runtime.  Use the multiple selection features on both data blocks when setting the appropriate property in the pro perty palette.
Change properties in the item and inventory data blocks to change their runtime appearance and behavior.  Change the frame properties of all the data blocks in the orders form, to change their runtime appearance and to keep any layout changes you make manually in the layout editor.  Save and run the form after the changes are applied.

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