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Oracle Workflows Training Lesson 3| Print | E-mail
Written by Anil Passi   
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Welcome to the lesson three of the Oracle Workflow Training. 
One of the most common business requests for Oracle Workflows has been to track the progress of Workflow at its various stages.
If your business user desires to track the progress of a Workflow, they can do so by viewing the workflow process diagram. However such approach has limitations related to security of the workflow attributes. Also, that approach is not user friendly, as the workflow may contain various technical but important steps that can confuse end user.

Here is the deal, we will write a common workflow function, and re-use that workflow function at various stages of the workflow. The workflow function will be attached to a pl/sql procedure that will insert record into a progress table. User can then trace the progress either via a screen on that table or by some report.

The source code of Oracle Workflow Training Lesson 2 is being carried forward here.
Please click here if you wish to step back for Training Lesson 2 for Oracle Workflow.

This requirement will be accomplished in following steps:-
1. Create a table to track the progress.
2. Create a Workflow Function to pass parameters to indicate progress.
Note: For each parameter for Workflow function, we will create one function attribute.
3. Write the pl/sql function to insert record into progress table.

Below are steps for Oracle Workflow Training Lesson 3
Step 1. Open process “Main training process”, and create a new WF Function by right clicking the space between “Set Role” & “SET_VALIDATE_FLAG”
Create new WF function for progress tracking
Create new WF function for progress tracking

Step 2. Now create the function named LOG_STATUS_OF_ACTION. Assign it a function xxxx_po_wf_training_pkg.log_status_of_action
Definition of Progress tracking function
Definition of Progress tracking function

Make this function join to “Set Role” and “SET_VALIDATE_FLAG”

Step 3. In the Oracle Workflow Designer Navigator, as in picture below, right click on Function “Log Action Status for Progress”and select new attribute(as created in Step 2 above).
Create attributes to pass parameters to WF Function
Create attributes to pass parameters to WF Function

Step 4. Create attribute “ACTION_STAGE” ( Progress Action stage )
Attribute for Action Stage
Attribute for Action Stage

Step 5. Create attribute “ACTION_NAME” (Progress Action to indicate status)
Attribute for action name
Attribute for action name

Step 6. Drag the Attribute PO_ID from “XX Training Workflow” and drop that into function “Log Action Status for Progress”
As a result of above three steps, you will see something similar to below.
Screenshot after having created 3 Function Attributes
Screenshot of Oracle Workflow after having created 3 Function Attributes

Step 7. Now, navigate back to process “Main Training Process”. Double click on WF Function “Log Action Status for Progress”. Click on Tab “Node Attribute”
Select drop down list in section Attribute Name, select “Progress Action Stage”.
Effectively, here we will pass the parameters to the WF Function.
Attribute: Progress Action Stage
Type: Constant
Value: Validation
Click on Apply
Pass parameter value for Action Stage
Pass parameter value for Action Stage

Step 8. 
Repeat the step 7 above for second attribute
Attribute:  Progress Action to indicate status
Type: Constant
Value: Before Validation
Click On Apply
Pass parameter value for Action Status
Pass parameter value for Action Status

Step 9. Do nothing really, leave the PO_ID to its default value. Remember we had dragged this from WF level Attribute. Hence the function attribute will inherit value for PO_IF from Workflow Level.
PO_ID inherits that value from WF Level Attribute, given that we dragged this from WF level to drop this at Function Level
PO_ID inherits that value from WF Level Attribute, given that we dragged this from WF level to drop this at Function Level

Step 10. Right click between SET_VALIDATE_FLAG and “PO Notif Info”, to create a new function, but instead of creating new Function, simply pick the function created in “Step 2”. i.e. from drop down list for INTERNAL, select “LOG_STATUS_OF_ACTION”
Reuse the function after registering progress after validation step in Workflow
Reuse the function after registering progress after validation step in Workflow

Step 11. You will see the WF Diagram as below
Definition of workflow after having re-used WF function
Definition of workflow after having re-used WF function

Step 12.
Now repeat steps 7, 8 & 9.
However, the difference being that  instead of Step 8, this time our values will be 
Attribute:  Progress Action to indicate status
Type: Constant
Value: After Validation

Step 13. Create the procedure below in package “xxxx_po_wf_training_pkg”

  PROCEDURE log_status_of_action(itemtype IN VARCHAR2
                                ,itemkey  IN VARCHAR2
                                ,actid    IN NUMBER
                                ,funcmode IN VARCHAR2
                                ,RESULT   IN OUT VARCHAR2) IS
    n_po_id        INTEGER;
    v_action_name  VARCHAR2(200);
    v_action_stage VARCHAR2(200);
    IF funcmode = 'RUN'
    --get the PO id, as it is after the hyphen of itemkey in this case
      n_po_id := get_request_id_from_item_key(itemkey);
      v_action_stage := wf_engine.getactivityattrtext(itemtype => itemtype
                                                     ,itemkey  => itemkey
                                                     ,actid    => actid
                                                     ,aname    => 'ACTION_STAGE');
      v_action_name := wf_engine.getactivityattrtext(itemtype => itemtype
                                                    ,itemkey  => itemkey
                                                    ,actid    => actid
                                                    ,aname    => 'ACTION_NAME');
      INSERT INTO xx_po_wf_progress
    END IF;
  END log_status_of_action;

Note that the above pl/sql procedure simply reads the value from parameters passed under Node Attributes. Hence there is no hardcoding in the pl/sql. 
By doing the above, you will be able to track the progress of each transaction in a very simple way.

Now for testing….
Step 14.
Save the wft file in database( Source code at end of this article) 

Step 15.  Initiate workflow as below….
  n_new_po_id INTEGER;
  SELECT oe_order_headers_s.NEXTVAL INTO n_new_po_id FROM dual;
  INSERT INTO xxxx_po_headers
    (n_new_po_id --po_id
    ,10000 --vendor_id
    ,NULL --suggested_vendor_id
    ,'This is PO Training Description' --po_description
    ,'INITIAL' --po_status
    ,NULL --comments_from_approver
    ,'' --send_email_to
  xxxx_po_wf_training_pkg.start_training_wf(p_po_id => n_new_po_id);

You will then see two records created as below.

The workflow progress will be visible as below
Visual representation of Workflow Progress
Visual representation of Workflow Progress

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