BOM Overview:
A bill of material is a list or Items associated with a parent Item, such as an assembly, and information about how each item relates to the parent item.
# A single level BOM consists of one parent Item and its immediate component Items
# Multilevel BOMs are displayed by linking together single level BOMs stored in the system
# A subassembly is both a parent and a component# All items in a BOM model, including the parent Item being configured, must be defined in the Item Master and enabled in the Inventory Organization where BOM Model is created
# A BOM Model can be shared among other Inventory Organizations by creating common bills
# After a valid combination of options is selected from BOM Model, a Standard BOM is created to guide manufacturing planning and execution
# Repetitive combinations of option selections can be stored and retrieved as pre-configured Items
MOdel BOM --> Standard BOM
BOM Types:
1. Standard Bill
2. Model Bill
3. Option Class
4. Planning Bill
BOM Models:
•Create Model bills to represent products and service that allow user-selected options:
# Option Classes are groups of optional items
# Optional Items
# Required Items
•Model bills and Option Class bills of material can include:
# Stock Items
# Assemble-to-Order Models
# Mandatory and Optional Components
•ATO BOM Models:
# Represent product models that require assembly “downstream” in Oracle Work In Process
# Are assembled using manufacturing work orders that can be costed
•PTO BOM Models:
# Represent product Models in which included items appear on pick slips and selected when the order ships
# Are not costed
Configurable PTO and ATO BOM Models:
# The inventory Item that represents the top level in your BOM Model must have the BOM Item Type attribute set to Model
# PTO and ATO BOM Models can contain Standard Items and Option Classes as components
# ATO and PTO BOM Models can also contain other ATO BOM Models as components
# An ATO BOM Model cannot contain a PTO BOM Model
# A PTO BOM Model can contain a PTO BOM Model
Implicit Rules:
•Basic rules are included with Oracle Bills of Material:
# Optional or Required
# Mutually Exclusive
# Maximum and Minimum Quantity
# Quantity Cascade
•These rules provided by Oracle Bills of Material are called Implicit Rules.
•Oracle Configurator honors these rules as well as the rules defined using Oracle Configurator Developer
Option Classes:
Option Class is an element of a Configuration Model.The purpose of Option Classes are to group and prevent viable alternatives. The end user typically selects one or more options from each Option Class during runtime to create a valid configuration.
Option Class Selection Rules:
BOM Model rules for selecting options from an Option Class during order entry:
•Required and Mutually exclusive:You must select one and only one Item in this Option Class
•Required:You must select one or more optional items in this Option Class
•Optional and Mutually Exclusive:You can select only one optional item in this Option Class
•Optional:Select none, some, or all optional items in this Option Class
Simple Query To Fetch Bill Of Material (BOM) Information
substr(iasy.segment1,1,20) "Assembly",
substr(icmp.segment1,1,20) "Component",
substr(comp.component_quantity,1,8) "Quantity",
substr(comp.effectivity_date,1,8) "From",
substr(comp.disable_date,1,8) "To Date"
mtl_system_items_B iasy,
bom_bill_of_materials bom,
bom_inventory_components comp,
mtl_system_items_B icmp
iasy.segment1 LIKE '&Item%' AND
iasy.organization_id = 207 AND
iasy.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id AND
iasy.organization_id = bom.organization_id AND
bom.bill_sequence_id = comp.bill_sequence_id AND
comp.component_item_id = icmp.inventory_item_id AND
icmp.organization_id = 207
==> There is something called ECO in BOM--> Really not sure why it is used.
Creating Resource in Oracle BOM
The first proor step in Oracle BOM will be of creating resource..
I. ResourcesResources are anything—except component material—required to manufacture, cost, and schedule products. Each costed resource can have any number of associated costs, including overhead cost.
Resource CreationIn Oracle Bills of Material: Routings > Resources is the navigation to create or view a resource.
i. Provide the resource name in the resource field
ii. Inactive On field to be left null
iii. Provide the description about the resource in the description field
iv. Type :
a. Machine
b. Miscellaneous
c. Person
d. Amount
e. Currency
Depending upon the type of resource select the type from the list of values.
v. UOM :Select the unit of measure from the list of values for the resource. If the resource to be included in calculating the lead time for the assembly, the unit of measure should be in time based like hour, min.
vi. Charge Type
a. WIP Move
b. PO Move
c. PO Receipt
d. Manual
The amount of time , resource is used should be applied , this is called applying or charging resource.
There are four methods of charging resource.
a. Manual : By manual method, resource used will be entered.
b. WIP Move : In WIP, Once the transactions completed, resource will automatically get applied.
c. PO Move, PO Receipt : These two charge types are only for Outside Processing Resources.
a. For other type of resources, this is not applicable.
vii. BasisTotal Resource Cost will be calculated from the resource rate entered for this resource.
If the basis is Item, resource cost will be calculated by multiplying the item qty with resource rate and usage rate.
If the basis is lot, resource cost will be calculated by usage rate * resource rate, here item quantity will not be taken into consideration.
viii. Outside Processing
If the resource is outside processing resource, enable the check box and the enter the outside processing item otherwise do not enable the check box.
ix. CostedCheck the costed check box.
Activity : This is to apply the cost according to the activity. Leave this field as null.
Standard Rate : To apply standard rate for the resource. Don’t check this field.
x. Resource Rates:
To provide the resource cost per UOM , click Rates button in the resource form.
New window will open.
Select Cost type as Avg Rates and provide the resource unit cost .
save and close the window.
xi. Resource Overhead Association
To provide the overheads associated with this resource, click overhead button in the resource form. New window will open, select cost type as Avg Rates .
In the second block of that screen, Resource Overhead Associations, select the overhead associated with this resource.
Example : Admin Cost, Consumable, Ind Depr, M/C Repair, P&M Ins
It is not required to fill the data in Employees, Equipment and Setups menu in the resource form.
I. ResourcesResources are anything—except component material—required to manufacture, cost, and schedule products. Each costed resource can have any number of associated costs, including overhead cost.
Resource CreationIn Oracle Bills of Material: Routings > Resources is the navigation to create or view a resource.
i. Provide the resource name in the resource field
ii. Inactive On field to be left null
iii. Provide the description about the resource in the description field
iv. Type :
a. Machine
b. Miscellaneous
c. Person
d. Amount
e. Currency
Depending upon the type of resource select the type from the list of values.
v. UOM :Select the unit of measure from the list of values for the resource. If the resource to be included in calculating the lead time for the assembly, the unit of measure should be in time based like hour, min.
vi. Charge Type
a. WIP Move
b. PO Move
c. PO Receipt
d. Manual
The amount of time , resource is used should be applied , this is called applying or charging resource.
There are four methods of charging resource.
a. Manual : By manual method, resource used will be entered.
b. WIP Move : In WIP, Once the transactions completed, resource will automatically get applied.
c. PO Move, PO Receipt : These two charge types are only for Outside Processing Resources.
a. For other type of resources, this is not applicable.
vii. BasisTotal Resource Cost will be calculated from the resource rate entered for this resource.
If the basis is Item, resource cost will be calculated by multiplying the item qty with resource rate and usage rate.
If the basis is lot, resource cost will be calculated by usage rate * resource rate, here item quantity will not be taken into consideration.
viii. Outside Processing
If the resource is outside processing resource, enable the check box and the enter the outside processing item otherwise do not enable the check box.
ix. CostedCheck the costed check box.
Activity : This is to apply the cost according to the activity. Leave this field as null.
Standard Rate : To apply standard rate for the resource. Don’t check this field.
x. Resource Rates:
To provide the resource cost per UOM , click Rates button in the resource form.
New window will open.
Select Cost type as Avg Rates and provide the resource unit cost .
save and close the window.
xi. Resource Overhead Association
To provide the overheads associated with this resource, click overhead button in the resource form. New window will open, select cost type as Avg Rates .
In the second block of that screen, Resource Overhead Associations, select the overhead associated with this resource.
Example : Admin Cost, Consumable, Ind Depr, M/C Repair, P&M Ins
It is not required to fill the data in Employees, Equipment and Setups menu in the resource form.
Bill Of Material
The statement of components that you need for manufacturing a Product (Finished Good) will be defined in a structured manner with the step wise sequence of operation. What has to be manufactured first and what next, the number of components, Resource (Machine and Technical Labour ) that we require to manufacture a Product will be defined in Oracle Bill Of Material .
For Example:
If you want to manufacture a pen the Bill Of Materials for Pen will be...
1.Cap - 1 Each
2.Top Cover - 1 Each
3.Bottom Cover - 1 Each
4.Nib - 1 Each
5.Ink - 4 Dps
6.Refil - 1 Each
Operation Sequence:
1 - Assebble Nib
2 - Assemble Top & Bottom Cover
3 - Fix the Cap - Final Operation to manufacture pen.
Resource Required:
1.Nib Fixing Machine - 2-Each
2.Technical Labour - 2-Each will work on 8-hours shift one person at a time
Oracle Bill Of Material can be used to capture all the above data as per business requirement and still has lot more functionality to help the business.
For Example:
If you want to manufacture a pen the Bill Of Materials for Pen will be...
1.Cap - 1 Each
2.Top Cover - 1 Each
3.Bottom Cover - 1 Each
4.Nib - 1 Each
5.Ink - 4 Dps
6.Refil - 1 Each
Operation Sequence:
1 - Assebble Nib
2 - Assemble Top & Bottom Cover
3 - Fix the Cap - Final Operation to manufacture pen.
Resource Required:
1.Nib Fixing Machine - 2-Each
2.Technical Labour - 2-Each will work on 8-hours shift one person at a time
Oracle Bill Of Material can be used to capture all the above data as per business requirement and still has lot more functionality to help the business.
Bill Of Material Creation in Oracle
Creating a Bill of Material
A bill of material contains information on the parent item, components,
attachments, and descriptive elements. Each standard component on a bill
can have multiple reference designators and substitute components.
You can create either an engineering or manufacturing bill, copy an
existing bill, or reference a common bill. When you create a bill, it
exists only in the current organization. To use a bill in another
organization, you must either copy it or reference it as a common.
The procedure below describes how to create a bill.
Define the parent item and all components as inventory items and set
the BOM Allowed attribute to Yes and BOM Item Type to Model, Option
Class, Planning or Standard.
To create a bill of material
1. Navigate to the Bills of Material window.
Note: If your current responsibility does not include the
Privilege to Maintain security function, you can only view
bill information. If so, enter selection criteria in the
Find Bills window and choose the Find button. The Bills
Summary folder window appears.
2. Enter the parent item for which you are creating a bill, and if
you are creating an alternate bill, enter the alternate.
Note: Bills and routings can share alternate labels. If you
create an alternate bill with the same label as an alternate
routing, components are assigned to operations on the
alternate routing. If there is no routing with the same
alternate label, components are assigned to operations on
the primary routing.
3. Enter or select the revision and the revision date.
4. If you are updating or viewing a bill, use the Display pop list to
display all, current, or future and current components effective
as of the revision date you specify. Check the Implemented Only
field to further restrict the components to display.
The Bills of Material window contains the following alternative
regions: Main, Effectivity, Component Details, Material Control,
Order Entry, Shipping, and Comments.
5. Enter the item sequence, operation sequence, and the component
6. In the Main tabbed region, enter the quantity used to make one
unit of this assembly item at the current operation.
This can include negative or decimal values, subject to the
following rules:
Pick-to-order bills cannot have fractional component
quantities if Oracle Order Management is installed.
Pick-to-order option class components cannot have negative
Components with Check ATP turned on cannot have negative or
zero quantities.
If the component has Quantity Related turned on, then the
component quantity cannot be fractional or negative.
If an implemented component has Quantity Related turned on,
then the component quantity must be equal to the number of
reference designators.
Attention: The planning process in Oracle Master
Scheduling/MRP ignores negative requirements on
standard discrete jobs and components with a
negative usage on a bill of material when netting
supply and demand.
Note: If you enter a negative quantity for a component, you
should enter either Assembly pull or Operation pull for
the supply type to ensure that you transact the material
when you build the bill.
The Revision field displays the current revision of the component
as of the revision date of the parent item.
7. Open the Effectivity tabbed region and enter the effective date
range for each component.
8. Open the Unit Effectivity tabbed region and verify the following:
The Implemented check box indicates whether the component is
Checked: Component is on a pending Engineering Change Order
Unchecked: Component is on implemented ECO or was added
directly to the bill
9. Open the Component Details alternative region and enter the
planning percent.
Enter the yield.
Enter the Enforce Integer Requirement, or select a value from the
list of values. Acceptable values are up, down and none.
Indicate whether the component should be included in cost rollups.
If enabled, the material cost of this component, but not the
routing cost, is included in the cost of the parent item.
10. Optionally, open the Material Control tabbed region and enter the
supply type.
Enter the supply subinventory and the locator.
If you have set the BOM: Default WIP Supply Values for Components
profile option to Yes, these values default from the item master.
If any of these values are left blank, Work in Process will read
the values contained in the item master.
11. For model, option class, and kit bills, open the Order Entry
alternative region and enter the minimum and maximum sales order
Indicate whether to check ATP.
Indicate whether the component is optional and mutually
Enter the basis.
12. Open the Shipping tabbed region, and choose whether the component
should be listed on shipping documents, required to ship, or
required for revenue.
13. Choose buttons to perform related tasks
A bill of material contains information on the parent item, components,
attachments, and descriptive elements. Each standard component on a bill
can have multiple reference designators and substitute components.
You can create either an engineering or manufacturing bill, copy an
existing bill, or reference a common bill. When you create a bill, it
exists only in the current organization. To use a bill in another
organization, you must either copy it or reference it as a common.
The procedure below describes how to create a bill.
Define the parent item and all components as inventory items and set
the BOM Allowed attribute to Yes and BOM Item Type to Model, Option
Class, Planning or Standard.
To create a bill of material
1. Navigate to the Bills of Material window.
Note: If your current responsibility does not include the
Privilege to Maintain security function, you can only view
bill information. If so, enter selection criteria in the
Find Bills window and choose the Find button. The Bills
Summary folder window appears.
2. Enter the parent item for which you are creating a bill, and if
you are creating an alternate bill, enter the alternate.
Note: Bills and routings can share alternate labels. If you
create an alternate bill with the same label as an alternate
routing, components are assigned to operations on the
alternate routing. If there is no routing with the same
alternate label, components are assigned to operations on
the primary routing.
3. Enter or select the revision and the revision date.
4. If you are updating or viewing a bill, use the Display pop list to
display all, current, or future and current components effective
as of the revision date you specify. Check the Implemented Only
field to further restrict the components to display.
The Bills of Material window contains the following alternative
regions: Main, Effectivity, Component Details, Material Control,
Order Entry, Shipping, and Comments.
5. Enter the item sequence, operation sequence, and the component
6. In the Main tabbed region, enter the quantity used to make one
unit of this assembly item at the current operation.
This can include negative or decimal values, subject to the
following rules:
Pick-to-order bills cannot have fractional component
quantities if Oracle Order Management is installed.
Pick-to-order option class components cannot have negative
Components with Check ATP turned on cannot have negative or
zero quantities.
If the component has Quantity Related turned on, then the
component quantity cannot be fractional or negative.
If an implemented component has Quantity Related turned on,
then the component quantity must be equal to the number of
reference designators.
Attention: The planning process in Oracle Master
Scheduling/MRP ignores negative requirements on
standard discrete jobs and components with a
negative usage on a bill of material when netting
supply and demand.
Note: If you enter a negative quantity for a component, you
should enter either Assembly pull or Operation pull for
the supply type to ensure that you transact the material
when you build the bill.
The Revision field displays the current revision of the component
as of the revision date of the parent item.
7. Open the Effectivity tabbed region and enter the effective date
range for each component.
8. Open the Unit Effectivity tabbed region and verify the following:
The Implemented check box indicates whether the component is
Checked: Component is on a pending Engineering Change Order
Unchecked: Component is on implemented ECO or was added
directly to the bill
9. Open the Component Details alternative region and enter the
planning percent.
Enter the yield.
Enter the Enforce Integer Requirement, or select a value from the
list of values. Acceptable values are up, down and none.
Indicate whether the component should be included in cost rollups.
If enabled, the material cost of this component, but not the
routing cost, is included in the cost of the parent item.
10. Optionally, open the Material Control tabbed region and enter the
supply type.
Enter the supply subinventory and the locator.
If you have set the BOM: Default WIP Supply Values for Components
profile option to Yes, these values default from the item master.
If any of these values are left blank, Work in Process will read
the values contained in the item master.
11. For model, option class, and kit bills, open the Order Entry
alternative region and enter the minimum and maximum sales order
Indicate whether to check ATP.
Indicate whether the component is optional and mutually
Enter the basis.
12. Open the Shipping tabbed region, and choose whether the component
should be listed on shipping documents, required to ship, or
required for revenue.
13. Choose buttons to perform related tasks
Implementing Engineering Change Order (ECO)
Responsibility = Manufacturing and Distribution Manager
1. Navigate to the Engineering Change Orders window.
· (N) Engineering > ECOs > ECOs
2. Use F11 to start a query.
3. Enter the following data:
- ECO Number = "enter the ECO number you wish to query"
4. Use Ctrl F11 to run the query.
5. (M) Tools > Implement (B) Yes
6. Ensure that the request is Compeleted.
· (M) View > Requests
View the components on the primary Bill of Material
7. Navigate to the Bills of Material window.
· (N) Bills of Materials > Bills > Bills
8. Use F11 to start a query
9. Enter the following data:
- Item = "(XX 1000-User Defined Item Number)"
10. Use Ctrl F11 to run the query.
11. Select the ECO tab to view the change order.
12. Close the window.